The Grove Junior School
Dark Lane
Tel:01582 760031
July 15 2017

Gardening club blog

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Gardening Club Blog

What a year it has been at Gardening club. It has been hard work, transforming the courtyard, but we did it! We have been gardening every Wednesday and Thursday lunchtime, battling the dastardly weeds and keeping the plants well-watered – which has been somewhat of a challenge with the current hot weather.

Come rain or shine, every week the children have bounced into the courtyard, eager to get their hands dirty.  Their willingness and commitment has never failed to amaze me and the plants have rewarded their efforts by producing a bounty that any gardener would be proud of.

I recall back in dreary February, when Mrs Head presented me with a leaflet for the annual Harpenden Schools In Bloom competition, the feeling of trepidation and excitement.  Could we do it?  Could we really turn these crowded borders into something that resembled an orderly array of plants and vegetables?  The aspect of the competition that concerned me most, was the prospect of making a ‘scrapyard scarecrow’ but I needn’t have worried: my fears were unfounded and the children did a wonderful job of creating Fleur – our now resident scarecrow.  She was lovingly dressed in the finest of garments from Mrs Reaney’s dressing up box, and stuffed with straw donated from Mrs Hutson. She truly is a magnificent sight to behold.

Following an appeal to the wider Harpenden community on social media, I received a plethora of plant pots, vegetable plants and an old bath which now takes centre stage in the courtyard, brimming with colour and life. Not forgetting the wonderful willow sunflower that our very own Ms. Clifford made which stands proudly in the middle of the blooms, watching over its domain from its lofty height.

The three judges arrived to a very excited (and rather giggly) cohort of gardeners from years three to six, who showed them around the courtyard with a passion that only comes from hard work and commitment.  Our resident ants were shown off: the brassicas were marvelled, the courgettes were wowed and Fleur was deservedly adored.  No stone was left unturned and the children were completely, without exception, brilliant.  The judges took lots of photographs and made pleasing comments: they appeared to be very impressed when they entered the courtyard.  Bev gladly accepted three rather large courgettes after the judges had left and promised to transform them into a culinary wonder.

It will be a long summer awaiting the results of the competition on the 8th September but I’m not that bothered really about winning: in my eyes the children are all winners already with me being the biggest winner for having the privilege of working with such a great group of people.  I look forward to the autumn term; working with the children and growing winter vegetables, and getting my hands dirty.

Happy summer everyone.

Mrs Stocker
